Group seeks resignation of NC Board of Ed chair for misconduct, ethics violations
Sunday, March 26, 2023 — A group of concerned parents, community members and local educators have called a press conference Tuesday to highlight what they alleged are ethical violations, misconduct and neglect of duty of Nelson County Schools Board Chair Diane Berry.

The group is demanding Berry’s resignation.
Berry has been under fire for her role in stopping the movement of the Community Campus plans when she joined new board members Amanda Deaton and David Norman to vote against approving the sale of bonds to finance the construction at Thomas Nelson High School.
ETHICAL VIOLATIONS. According to the press release, the ethical violations include:
— Berry openly discussed terminating Superintendent Wes Bradley’s contract in multiple emails to a parent.
— she forwarded legal claims and information to a number of plaintiffs of current lawsuits against the school district, including fellow board member Deaton, who was previously a lawsuit plaintiff.
— she allegedly forwarded confidential messages to a friend and district teacher in regard to a grievance filed against the superintendent.
The press release also said Berry committed misconduct in office by calling three special-called board of education meetings to approve the sale of construction bonds, advising district personnel she would vote in favor of the sales, only to vote no each time.
NEXT UP. The press conference is set for 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 28, 20223, at the Nelson County Judicial Center.