Community gathers to remember the fallen at Memorial Day service

Nelson County Gazette / WBRT Radio
Monday, May 29, 2023 — Bardstown and Nelson County residents gathered around the gazebo at the Bardstown Cemetery to again remember those who served their country and made the ultimate sacrifice in observance of Memorial Day.

Kenny Fogle again served as emcee of the observance, his 20th year doing so. Fogle took over from Roy Brooks, the writer’s uncle, who began the Memorial Day observance tradition in the late 1980s.
Bardstown Mayor Dick Heaton welcomed visitors and noted that on May 11, 2023, Fort Benning was renamed Fort Moore in honor of Bardstown native General Hal Moore and his wife.
50th District State Rep. Candy Massaroni, an Air Force veteran, was keynote speaker.
She noted that Kentucky has a rich history of its citizens serving in defense of our country over the years.
Memorial Day is more than the opportunity to remember our fallen heroes, she said. It also is a chance to pass on the torch of Liberty to the next generation.
“We must continue to uphold the value that our fallen soldiers and heroes have fought for,” she said. “We must continue to teach those values to our children and grandchildren.’

“We are a great nation that was built by our faith and the sacrifices of many. It is a sobering reminder of the cost of freedom, and the debt we owe to those who made the ultimate sacrifice.”
Massaroni also presented Fogle with a citation from the Kentucky House of Representatives, honoring him for his service to the community by leading the annual Memorial Day service.
As is tradition on Memorial Day, following the playing of “Taps,” the three American Legion Post commanders — Post 42 Commander Kyle Uzzell, Post 121 Commander Joe Masterson, and Post 167 Commander Sidney Shouse — laid the wreath in honor of our fallen veterans.
Following the raising of the flag, Jerry Janes, with the Bardstown-Nelson County Veterans Park project, gave an update on the project that is now underway.
The park will be located at the front of the Nelson County Justice Center complex across from McDonald’s on US150, Springfield Road.