
Local Tea Party joins statewide group issuing warning to McConnell campaign




Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2013, 11:59 p.m. — The Nelson County Tea Party Tuesday joined a consortium of Kentucky Tea Party groups to issue a warning to U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell that the groups will not allow their movement to be co-opted for political purposes.

The move by the United Kentucky Tea Party is in response to the the McConnell campaign’s hiring of former Campaign for Liberty leaders, and the alleged “dishonest labeling of these individuals as ‘Tea Party leaders’ in the media,” which the group cited as a misrepresentation that “will not be allowed to stand.”

“The Tea Parties in Kentucky are led by local grassroots individuals, not by any national organization. Any representation otherwise by the Republican Party leadership of Kentucky, or Sen. McConnell and his surrogates is inconsistent with the truth and will be vigorously and publicly disputed every step of the way,” the statement read.

The United Kentucky Tea Party is a round table of Tea Party leaders from across the Commonwealth of Kentucky whose state mission is to educate, communicate and participate in self governance as guaranteed by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the Constitution of the United States.

“Out-of-control federal, state and local government gave birth to the Tea Parties across America in their various forms with a mission of identifying and pushing back against over regulation, disregard for the rule of law and our Constitution and big spending Democrats and Republicans who hold or seek public office.

WHAT IS THE UKTP? The UKTP stands with limited-government, free-market and fiscally-responsible elected representatives without regard for party affiliation provided these public servants fight for these principles and their records in public office uphold them.

The replacement of elected officials not committed to and demonstrating the principles of limited government, free markets and fiscal responsibility is a mission of the UKTP.

UKTP members are not directed by any elected official from either of the big spending parties. The message from our members, reflected in our words and our actions, are derived solely from our membership and are not for sale or rent to politicians seeking re-election.

Other local Tea Party groups affiliated with United Kentucky Tea Party include the Central Kentucky Tea Party Patriots (Elizabethtown); Heartland Tea Party; and Take Back Kentucky.


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