
KSP arson investigator called to examine East Muir fire scene

fire-graphic-2Monday, April 22, 2013, 11:30 a.m. — A suspect is in police custody as part of a Bardstown Police Department investigation of a house fire this morning at 201 East Muir Ave.  The fire is being investigated as arson, and an arson investigator from the Kentucky State Police arrived about 12:20 p.m. at the fire scene.

The Bardstown Fire Department and Nelson County EMS were called to respond at 9:50 a.m.  A city police officer on scene evacuated apartments adjacent to the fire before firefighters arrived. The fire was initially reported to have spread to a home next door.

Detectives were summoned to the scene to investigate a possible meth lab that may have been operating in the home. Multiple eyewitnesses identified a suspect who ran from the area as the fire began. He was apprehended near the Civic Center on South Third Street and is in police custody.

The Northeast Nelson Fire Department brought in mutual aid to assist the firefighters with  overhaul, which is a late stage of firefighting in which the burned areas are examined for remaining sources of heat that may rekindle the fire.



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