
Letter: The horrors revealed in Gosnell trial largely ignored by mainstream media

Friday, April 26, 2013

Dear Editor

What images do the names Michael Vick and Kermit Gosnell conjure? Vick engaged in dog fighting and got wall to wall coverage for months on end. “Dr.” Gosnell savagely killed a number of black babies after botched abortions and gets practically no media coverage. What else are we to surmise other than that the “news” media considers dogs’ lives to be more valuable than those of Black babies?

Late-term abortionist Gosnell is on trial now in Philadelphia for snipping the spinal cord of born-alive, late-term babies to kill them. Cats roamed the “clinic” freely to eat the rodents that abounded. This “medical” facility reeked of feces, blood, urine, and vomit. Blood-stained walls and sheets were very much in evidence. Dirty medical instruments were used over and over. Jars, orange juice and pet food containers containing baby parts were all over the “clinic”. Watch the film “3801 Lancaster” online for first-hand reports from some of his victims — women who managed some how to survive his House of Horrors. Not all did. And don’t think Gosnell is the exception in botched abortions and late-term abortions. Ambulances are called daily to abortion facilities. Other than Fox News, most of the media have turned a blind eye. The limited coverage given the case is often very inaccurate.

If your house was on fire, would you grab the baby first or the dog? Most people seem to be grabbing the dog and leaving the baby behind on a daily basis. How else can you explain votes for Obama (and other abortion champions) who had a record of several votes for infanticide? This morning the President gave a speech to Planned Parenthood praising their “women’s health services” saying “God bless you.” He ignores the Gosnell case!

When could we hear about the Gosnell case from the media, Hollywood and liberals — including LCWR and their “sisters?” It is likely that if Gosnell is sentenced to death, we would hear about the cruelty of this. Then they will be championing him to evoke sympathy. Maybe PETA will go after him for allowing cats to live in such inhumane conditions. Then we would hear about it! When abortion was legalized in 1973 most people admitted that abortion kills babies. After 40 years of desensitization, more and more seem to also be accepting even infanticide and euthanasia.

Cathy Lawrence Targonski


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