Jack Conway gets animated in PSA aimed at middle school children, parents
Tuesday, April 5, 2011, 9 a.m. — What does Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway have in common with SpongeBob Squarepants? (Don’t worry kids, SpongeBob isn’t going to launch a poorly-advised political campaign for the office of Senator from Bikini Bottom). The answer: Conway and SpongeBob both show up as animated characters promoting the AskListenLearn.com website. (To view the video, click the image at right.)
AskListenLearn.com is a website created by The Century Council, a non-profit organization that targets middle school kids and their parents, encouraging both to make good choices regarding exercise, healthy nutrition and to avoid the underage use and abuse of alcohol.
Conway shows up as an animated character in a 30-second public service announcement promoting good nutritional choices, getting plenty of exercise and avoiding underage drinking. Conway and 22 other state attorneys general have agreed to create PSAs promoting the AskListenLearn.com’s message and its curriculum, which includes resources and activities for teachers, parents and students.
Conway is the incumbent Democrat seeking reelection as Kentucky Attorney General. He faces Republican Todd P’Pool of Hopkins County in the November general election.
To view Conway’s PSA, click this link.