Men in possible credit card scheme tell clerk they’re with FBI, CIA
Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2013, 4:15 p.m. — Bardstown Police were called to Maywood Food Mart, 2590 Springfield Road, at 12:45 Monday afternoon for a report of subjects trying to use credit cards that may have been stolen. Witnesses said two men in a gray Honda with a temporary license tag stopped at the business Monday. Inside the business, one of the subjects presented several credit cards to the clerk while trying to find one that would work. The man told the clerk he was employed by the FBI. A second subject accompanying the first told the clerk he worked for the CIA. When the clerk advised the men it was time to call police, they quickly exited the store and drove off at a high rate of speed toward the Bardstown Industrial Park. Several officers searched the area for the vehicle but were unable to locate it in the area.