‘Brooks & Co.’ to preview pre-filed legislation, discuss road priorities
Monday, Dec. 16, 2013, 11:55 p.m. – Tuesday’s “Brooks & Company” will focus on legislation prefiled for the next session of the Kentucky General Assembly that begins next month, and a discussion of road project priorities: What road or roads in Nelson County do you think need to be at the top of the repair/rebuild/replace list? The state his its road plan that attempts to list priorities for funding and construction; what project would be at the top of your list? Sound off today on “Brooks & Company” from 11 to noon by calling the WBRT studio line, (502) 348-2222.
“Brooks & Company” airs from 11 to noon every Tuesday on WBRT 1320 AM, 97.1 FM and streaming live, www.WBRT Country.com and www.NelsonCountyGazette.com.