Opinion: Are we better or worse now with the Affordable Care Act?
Guest columnist
Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2013, 8:55 p.m. — Where do you stand with the insurance debate? Has the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare (or Kynect as it is called in Kentucky) helped us, harmed us, or made no difference at all? The answer to that question depends on how you look at the situation.
The latest numbers in Kentucky (and always research stats and details for yourself, especially if controversial) are that for every person that did not have insurance prior to the beginning of Obamacare, and that has gained insurance through Kynect, there has been 25 Kentuckians that have had their private insurance cancelled. These people will either have to go to a policy that they do not want and that will be more expensive, or they will have to sign up on the exchange (Kynect) as well. Losing coverage of 25 people for the gain of one is a formula that only the government could see as successful. It is also estimated that 100 million people across America will lose their private insurance in the next six to 12 months. All of this is being done purposefully.
The “affordability” of these plans is questionable as well. Most people are signing up and finding larger premiums and larger deductibles. With the tax subsidy, some are finding their overall cost may be low but they will have to pay full price and get the subsidy once they file their taxes at the end of next year. Many will find they cannot make the full payment month after month for the entire year and be able to wait for the subsidy on their refund while still being able to afford everyday expenses.
With these premiums costing more than private insurance, doesn’t it seem strange that the people who supposedly couldn’t afford insurance before are primarily the ones praising the ability to get insurance now?
The majority of those without insurance have chosen not to have it. Now, I understand that some people legitimately could not get or afford insurance. Is forcing everyone with insurance off of their current policies, making them pay more for premiums, and raising their deductibles really the answer to that problem?
There is already so much governmental red tape, waste, and so much money going to be needed to subsidize people’s payments, that it is already apparent that this is nothing more than another government black hole to dump tax dollars into. Of course, ignorance would almost be excusable but they have known all along how this is going to turn out. It is purposely being forced upon us all to get to a single payer plan. Democrats and Republicans alike are to blame for this mess.
So, how do you look at this? With your head in the sand still trusting the government with your family’s health care? Or with your eyes open and seeing this for being the controlling tool it is?
We definitely need to help people that cannot get insurance to be able to become insured. This catastrophe, designed from the ground up for control, is not the answer. Instead, this is a problem that hasn’t even begun to rear its ugly head.