Letter: Grimes would be a rubber stamp for Obama administration policies
To the editor:
It was interesting to read the account of Allison Grimes’ campaign stop in Bardstown in the Sunday, May 18th edition of The Kentucky Standard. It was quite obvious that Grimes (and her small audience) accept the tired old Democratic canard that government can “create” REAL jobs as Grimes promised to “put people back to work” (something a U.S. Senator has practically NO influence on).
This comment came from a candidate who has stated that she supports the Obama agenda, which has been the greatest job killer since the Great Depression, including an open “war on coal” which is devastating the job situation in much of Kentucky and the rest of Appalachia while driving energy prices constantly higher. The only jobs government can create require the taking of resources from the private sector (where REAL jobs are created) and putting people on the public payroll.
Grimes goes on to state that as Secretary of State, she has “worked to promote business development”. If so, then I suppose she must be given credit for the recent loss of almost 2,000 jobs in Kentucky from Toyota in northern Kentucky and Fruit of the Loom in Russell County to more business-friendly locations, and the inability of the state to attract such companies as Remington Arms which was anxious to move from New York and already has facilities in Kentucky. Instead, those 2000-plus jobs went to Alabama which had no prior ties to Remington.
The LAST thing we need in the US Senate is another Obama rubber stamp like Allison Grimes.
Ronald D. Weddle MD