Letter: Don’t like politics? Get involved and help clean things up
To the Editor,
The Pharisees of Jesus’ day were political-religious leaders; today they separate in our country. It is not the religious leaders who are destroying the country, but the political leaders. As we honor on Friday many who died for freedom in the physical wars, let us also honor the political activists who work for Pro-life; marriage; work, not gambling; closed borders; and for lower taxes so that women who want to stay home and raise children can.
The political activist not only gets no money, but spends considerably; gets little on no thanks; and sometimes gets disapproval. Many say that politics is dirty and avoid participating, so, agree to run for office or ask someone else to apply for office who will likely clean it up.
Shall we leave it to the atheists who are certainly busy in politics?
J. B. Armstrong
Bardstown, Ky.