
Letter: Right-to-work proponents’ spin can’t change the truth

To the editor:

Recently, libertarian activist Jim Waters facetiously characterized the “free rider” problem in the so called right-to-work letter-to-the-editorstates as “the tired dog that won’t hunt.” Contrary to what he says, however, courts all over our country recognize this as an legitimate problem. It’s considered one the of most persuasive arguments against the so-called right-to-work laws. So naturally Waters wants to disable this argument if he can.

Besides that, he’s been trying out an oxymoron. The bargaining rights granted by the National Labor Relations Act are only “optional,” he says. Collective bargaining without bargaining rights? That’s sort of like taking the peanuts out of peanut butter.

Clearly Waters has a tough row to hoe. It’s not always easy to defeat a valid argument with political rhetoric, especially in the courtroom. The joke is on us if we buy Waters’ spin merely because he uses some catchy phrases.

Tom Louderback
union steward


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