
Federal retirees chapter to meet March 7 at Nolin RECC in Elizabetown


Mitch Garrett, District III vice president, briefs the members of NARFE Chapter 1050 on pending federal legislation. Photo submitted.

Community news

Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2016 — During the February meeting of Chapter 1050 of The National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE), Mitch Garrett, District III Vice President, briefed the membership on legislation such as HR 711 Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act of 2015, which could have a significant effect on Federal employees retirement benefits. HR 711 seeks to NewNarfereplace the current windfall elimination provision (WEP) and establish new formula for determining Social Security benefits and prescribes a second formula to modify the WEP for current beneficiaries to include recovery of overpayments from certain individuals.

NEXT MEETING. The next NARFE chapter meeting is 11 a.m. in Monday, March 7, 2016, in the community meeting room of the Nolin RECC building at 411 Ring Road, Elizabethtown. Lisa Skaggs Pullin from Intrepid Health Care Services is the guest speaker. The attendance at the February meeting was disappointingly light, chapter members are asked to reach out to other members and encourage them to start attending the monthly meetings.

The Kentucky Federation of NARFE has a new website up and running. The website address is http://narfe.org/SITE/KY/ Kentucky NARFE has 2507 member, 253 of which belong to Chapter 1050.


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