
District honors Lowes ‘heroes’ for volunteering, donations at CCES


The Nelson County Board of Education with the August “Expect the Best Award” winners. Front row from left: Board member Diane Berry; NCHS teacher Mike Glass; parent volunteer Teresa Thompson; former Boston School student Bethany Orr (no relation to Superintendent Anthony Orr); classified employee Edna Durbin; and Superintendent Anthony Orr.

Nelson County Gazette / WBRT Radio

Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2016, 9 p.m. — The Nelson County Board of Education honored volunteers from the Bardstown Lowe’s for their participation in the Lowe’s Heroes program.

In June, approximately 16 Lowe’s volunteers donated 408 hours over a three-day period at the Cox’s Creek Elementary School for a beautification project that involved the donation and planting of 300 plants and placing six pallets — more than 400 bags — of landscape mulch. The total value of labor and materials donated totaled between $8,000 to $9,000, Superintendent Anthony Orr told the board.

The Lowe’s Heroes volunteers were supported by parents and teachers from the school as well, he said.

EARLY LEARNING CENTER CHANGE ORDER. The board approved two change orders for the expansion of the district’s Early Learning Center on Cardinal Drive.

Tim Hockensmith, the district’s chief operating officer, explained that the change orders have to do with a change in roofing materials changes and credit for materials not needed. The bottom line is that the district will get a credit for $4,000.

In other business, the board:

— declared a 2001 Buick LeSabre and a 2000 GMC Jimmy SUV surplus. The vehicles will either be sold or scrapped. Board member Diane Breeding suggested offering the vehicles to the Nelson County Area Technology Center for use in one of their programs.

— approved a new bus driver evaluation form;

— approved the district’s second year as a member of the Kentucky Innovation Learning Network;

— approved a proposed change to the Cox’s Creek Elementary School schedule.

NEXT UP. The board next meeting is its monthly working session at 5 p.m. Sept. 1 at the district’s Central Office on Wildcat Lane.


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