Springfield police officer from Bardstown indicted in SCC tow truck incident
Friday, Aug. 25, 2016, 1 p.m. — A Washington County grand jury recently indicted a former Springfield police officer from Bardstown for his alleged role in the April injury of a St. Catharine College student on the campus in April involving a tow truck.
Michael A. Cotton, 59, of Bardstown, and tow truck driver Kevin Bewley, 28, of Willisburg, were indicted Friday, Aug. 16 on one count each of second-degree assault, a Class C felony.
Cotton was a Springfield officer at the time. Investigators from Attorney General Andy Beshear’s Department of Criminal Investigations assisted the Springfield Police Department in its investigation and testified before the grand jury. According to investigators, Cotton and Bewley allegedly allowed the male to remain sitting on top his car as Bewley towed it from the school property. The male then fell from the moving vehicle, causing severe physical injury.
Cotton previously served as police chief of Bloomfield.
Bail was set at $2,000 each, and both men were ordered not to any contact with the injured man.
Editor’s Note: The indictment of a person by a grand jury or otherwise is an accusation only and that person is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.