Board gets constrution updates on ELC expansion, TNHS auditorium project
Nelson County Gazette / WBRT Radio
Monday, Nov. 7, 2016, 3 p.m. — The Nelson County Board of Education received updates on its two ongoing construction projects at its working session on Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016.
ELC EXPANSION. Tim Hockensmith, the district’s chief operating officer, told the board that the ELC expansion project is about 80 percent complete.
Change orders pending, 13,000 on a $2.5 milliion project. Jackey said those were small in scope of the project.
Tim Wensil, vice president of BCD Construction, said the goal is to have the interior finished this month, with final work done during December.
TNHS AUDITORIUM. Construction on the auditorium is about 30 percent complete, with roof supports being added, and the exterior brick being laid.
The roof installation is expected to begin by the end of the month, Wensil said, and the interior seating area is under construction.
AUDIT REPORT. Hockensmith updated the board on some changes recommended by the auditor, including reclassification of some expenses.
During the audit, auditors visit every school, and they often find areas for improvement, he said. Those recommendations will be used in bookkeeper training sessions, he said. The auditor will attend the board’s Nov. 15 meeting to submit his full report.
TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANCE. The board heard that the district will have the opportunity at its regular meeting Nov. 15, to approve an offer of assistance of $37,585 from the Kentucky Education Technology System (KETS). The funds are offered to districts for use to upgrade and purchase new technology for use in educating students.
The offer requires the district to match the assistance on a dollar-for-dollar basis. The money can only be used to purchase technology software and hardware.
MAP UPDATE. The board heard updates on the district’s Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments, the changes to the program, and the data gathered from the fall tests.
MAP tests students’ skills in math and reading, and gives educators a measurement of skills, and gives students and educators an idea of opportunities to improve and target teaching for individual students.
MAP tests are interim tests designed to improve instruction. Its a diagnostic test rather than a summary, end-of-year type of assessment, Anne Marie Williams, the districts’ director of elementary schools, told the board.
The district is now using the Skills Navigator to help educator in the district pinpoint achievement gaps, according to Kim Brown, the director of secondary schools.