Ham radio club’s Christmas dinner meeting set for 6 p.m Dec. 12
Community news
Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2016 — The Kentucky Amateur Radio Society (KARS) December meeting/Christmas Dinner will take place at 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 12, 2016, at Colton’s Steakhouse, 1001 Granite Dr. in Bardstown.
The Christmas Dinner will begin with a short KARS business meeting. During the business meeting the nominated officers for 2017 will be presented, nominations from the floor will be accepted, and the vote for the 2017 officers will be held. The election will close the meeting and Christmas Dinner will follow. Members attending are asked to arrive promptly at 6 p.m. so the business meeting may be conducted expeditiously.
Limited seating is available. Please let John Czerwinski, KE4KBM, know if you will be attending by emailing prior to Dec. 7, 2016, at johncz@bardstowncable.net.