
Council to forward Royalty evidence to ethics board, Commonwealth’s Attorney

Nelson County Gazette / WBRT Radio

Tuesday, May 2, 2017, 9 p.m. — The Bardstown City Council voted unanimously to forward the evidenced gathered during the investigation and public hearing of former Mayor John Royalty to the joint Board of Ethics as well as the office of Commonwealth’s Attorney, Terry Geoghegan.


“That way he can review it and if he wants to present it to the grand jury, and the grand jury can decide if its good enough evidence to take any action or not,” Councilman John Kelley told the council.

The investigation’s 44-page final report contained evidence that led to the city council’s vote to remove former mayor John Royalty after a two-day public hearing last month.

The report offered the council several possible actions it may consider, including forwarding the evidence to the local ethics board for their review of possible violations of the local ethics ordinance.

The report also suggested the council may wish to forward the report to the Nelson County attorney, the Commonwealth’s Attorney, Kentucky Attorney General and the U.S. Attorney’s office for their reviews.

In additional action, the council

— approved a bid of $46,500 to purchase a vacuum excavator. The device allows for excavation in close quarters and can help locate underground lines without damaging them, Jessica Filiatreau, the city’s civil engineer told the council. The excavator will allow for more precise excavation in urban areas.

“It can help expose an area for a report before you do major excavation,” she said.

City Civil Engineer Jessica Filiatreau explains the benefits of a vacuum excavator.

Due to the fact line locations aren’t always accurate, the equipment can be used to avoid causing damage to underground utilities by locating them first. The excavator costs will be shared by several city departments.

— discussed revising the council’s committee assignments in the light of the appointment of a new council member, and desires some council members to participate in different committees. Heaton asked the the council to email him with their ideas on committee assignments.

Heaton also noted that with the end of the joint recreation agreement with county government, the city’s rec department lacked an oversight committee. A recreation employee suggested the council create a recreation board, an idea Heaton said he supports. The council took no action but will likely do so when it changes the municipal order on budget assignments.

— adopted the right-of-way for Old Ben Way. Maintenance of the street won’t become the city’s responsibility until more than half of the planned homes are constructed, Filiatreau said.

NEXT UP. The council will meet next at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, in the council chambers next to the Rec. Center on Xavier Drive.


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