
Bardstown Community Chamber Orchestra spring concert set for May 12

Community News

Friday, April 27, 2018 — Aaron Copland, Stephen Foster, John Williams, Ric Flauding, James Swearingen.
What do those names have in common? First, they are American composers. Secondly, compositions by these, and other American composers, will be presented at the Spring Concert of the Bardstown Community Chamber Orchestra at 5 p.m. Saturday, May 12, at the Church of the Ascension, 211 N. Third St., Bardstown.

“The repertoire for this concert is the most demanding in our four years of existence. The opening number is Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man which has been featured as venues like the Super Bowl, adapted for use at the Olympics and has been acclaimed to be the most recognizable fanfare written,” according to Anne Thompson Lusk, the orchestra’s conductor.

“On An Americana Journey”, the theme for this year’s concert, was chosen following discussions to devote the entire concert to American composers.

“There are so many and the determination was made to include names familiar to most people, then review and select compositions by those lesser known composers. We feel we have a good blend,” Lusk said.

No concert featuring American composers, particularly in this area, would be complete without including music of Stephen Collins Foster, who has been called “the father of American music” and often credited as “America’s First Composer.” The orchestra will feature some of the favorite Foster compositions.

Patriotic music will also play a prominent role in the concert. The highlight will be A Tribute to the Armed Forces. This composition, recognizing all five branches of the the Military, is the only known complete arrangement of the U.S. Military songs/hymns.

“We invite all service personnel, family members and friends to attend so those who have risked their lives to preserve our freedoms, liberties and rights can be duly recognized and pay homage to those who sacrificed their all,” Lusk said.

There is no admission charge to attend the concert. Donations are welcomed.


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