Bradley unveils plans to reorganize county school district’s Central Office

Wes Bradley, the superintendent of Nelson County Schools, reviews his plans to reorganize the district’s Central Office.
Nelson County Gazette / WBRT Radio
Wednesday, May 9, 2018 — Wes Bradley, the new superintendent of Nelson County Schools, laid out his vision for restructuring the district’s Central Office at the board’s working session Tuesday evening.
Bradley’s reorganization plan includes creation of three new high-level leadership positions, and organizing the districts departments into four teams.

School board chairman Damon Jackey questions Superintendent Wes Bradley during the board’s discussion of Bradley’s plans to reorganize the district’s Central Office.
The three new leadership positions include director of community health and engagement, director of workforce development and director of student leadership and learning. The fourth team will be led by the district’s chief operating office.
The job descriptions for the three new positions require certifications as a supervisor of instruction, school superintendent or school principal with related leadership experience.
According to Bradley’s organization plan, Central Office employees will be divided into four teams.
The Community Health Team, led by the Director of Community & Health Engagement, will include oversee the Director of Pupil Personnel, school nurses and health services coordinator; school safety coordinator; family resource youth service centers, school counselors, therapists, psychologist and community social workers; and federal and the state program assistant.
“It really focuses about putting resources under a common umbrella,” Bradley told the board. “That umbrella unites resources for taking care of students.”
The Work Force Development Team would be led bh the Director of Workforce Development, and include the college & career readiness coordinators; industry future readiness alliance and innovation labs; ATC regional academy leaders; cooperative education and industry partners; early college & career postsecondary partners; and alternative education programs.
Bradley said workforce development and partnerships with the district were “a huge priority.”
The Student Leadership & Learning Team would be led by the Director of Student Leadership & Learning, and the team would include school principals; the director of special education; the digital learning coach; instructional coaches; early childhood education and the athletic directors.
The goal is to make sure students are prepared to be successful when they graduate, he said.
The Operations Pride Team would be led by the district’s chief operating officer and include as members the district’s chief financial officer; the director of human resources; the director of physical support; food service director; chief information officer and the IC admin specialist.
As part of Bradley’s vision of creating a closer partnership with the community, he also wants to create a new Community & School Media coordinator position. This person will serve a variety of communication roles, including that of district spokesperson and produce content to promote the district’s branding in all forms of media.
Bradley said the changes are in alignment with the district’s mission statement, which was included in his handout regarding the Central Office restructuring plan. The goal is to prepare all the district’s students to be responsible, successful members of the community, and to refine the district’s clarity about how it will produce the best long-term results.
Bradley also proposed creation of a district community and school media coordinator whose job will be to help with telling the story of the individual schools and the district. The job will include print, video, and social media platforms to communication with employees, students, families and the community.
He said the district employees need to do a better job of sharing their successes via video, photos, texts and social media, and that all of those items should be shared with the community and school media coordinator.
The new jobs and their descriptions will be on the agenda for board of education approval at the board’s regular meeting May 15, 2018.