Deputy Mike Clark moves from sheriff’s office to city police department
Nelson County Gazette / WBRT Radio
Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2018 — Capt. Mike Clark, the second-in-command at the Nelson County Sheriff’s Office, was sworn-in Tuesday night as the newest member of the Bardstown Police Department.
Clark was introduced to the Bardstown City Council at the start of the council’s meeting by Bardstown Police Chief Kim Kraeszig.
Kraeszig praised Clark as a valuable addition to her department because of his 12 years of local law enforcement and the depth of knowledge he brings to bear.
“He’s a great fit, and he’s exactly what we’re looking for in our community as we continue to build the Bardstown Police Department,” she said.
Mayor Dick Heaton administered the oath of office as Clark’s wife Stacy and two of their children looked on.
“I’m happy to continue my law enforcement career with the City of Bardstown,” Clark told the council. “I’m ready to get to work.”
HRB CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS. The council approved the following recommendations for certificates of appropriateness forwarded from the Historic Review Board:
COA-18-114. Don Parish, applicant/owner, approval to remove one tree at 205 West Flaget Ave.
COA-18-115. Don Parish, applicant, St Joseph Parish, owner; approval to remove 14 trees at 310 West Stephen Foster Avenue.
COA-18-116. Rick and Natalie McKay, applicants/owners; approval to add landscaping at 214 East Flaget Ave.
COA-18-117. JTD Holdings, applicant/owner; approval to install a wood garbage storage bin at 202 South 3rd St.
COA-18-118. Derek Hutchins, applicant/owner; approval to add awnings at 114 North 3rd St.
COA-18-119. Derek Hutchins, applicant/owner, approval to paint the building at 114 North 3rd St.
COA-18-120. James Beavers, applicant/owner; approval to paint the building at 227 North 3rd St.
COA-18-121. James Beavers, applicant/owner; approval to remove a tree stump and add landscaping at 227 North 3rd St.
COA-18-122. James Beavers, applicant/owner; approval to remove windows at 227 North 3rd St.
COA-18-123. James Beavers, applicant/owner; approval to remove and replace siding on an and addition at 227 North 3rd St.
COA-18-124. David and Lisa Woody, applicant/owners; approval to repair and paint the shutters at 313 North 3rd St.
In other business, the council:
— welcomed Boy Scout Kobi Sparks, a member of Troop 100 from Mount Washington, who attended the meeting as one of the requirements for his Communications merit badge.
— discussed a proposed revision to the zoning regulations that will remove a restriction against double-wide mobile homes under the Mobile Home Park Subdivision. The change will allow the use of either single-wide or double-wide manufactured homes. The council will take up the change to the city’s zoning ordinance at a future council meeting.