City council OKs water plant change order, gets update on multi-use path
Nelson County Gazette / WBRT Radio
Friday, Sept. 7, 2018 — The Bardstown City Council approved a change order Tuesday regarding the chloramine conversion project at the city’s water treatment plant.
The change order was requested by the contractor, Judy Construction Co., and amounted to $6,143.
Once completed, the conversion project will allow the city to change its water purification system and reduce the number of chlorination byproducts that appear in the city’s drinking water as it ages. The disinfection system change will also make the city’s water treatment system compatible with water provided by the Louisville Water Co.
The total cost of the chloramine conversion project is $887,643 and is 82 percent completed.
MULTI-USE PATH ON KY 245. City Engineer Jessica Filiatreau told the council Tuesday the city received the state’s go-ahead to advertise for construction bids to build an extension of the multi-use path from the intersection of Bloomfield Road to the area of Padgett Drive and the Kentucky Home Square shopping center.
The extension will be built on the south side of John Rowan Boulevard.
Depending on the bids, there may be enough money to extend the path further west, possibly as far as Frost Avenue, Filiatreau said. The cost of construction the path to cross the railroad tracks may not make crossing them feasible. If there’s enough funding, Filiatreau said they will explore that option.
The city has already extended a sidewalk down Ben Frye Avenue to accommodate placement of a cross walk for pedestrians to cross John Rowan Boulevard and access the multi-use path.
Due to the lay of the land along the south side of John Rowan, the width of the new multi-use path will vary from 8 feet to as narrow as five feet.
LOCAL ALCOHOL REGULATION CHANGES. The council gave its final approval of updates to the city’s alcohol beverage control ordinance so that it mirrors recent changes in the state regulations. An additional change will also allow the sale of alcohol beginning at 10 a.m. on Sundays. The existing ordinance prohibited Sunday alcohol sales before 1 p.m.
CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PLAN. The council approved the 2018 Classification and Compensation plan that was introduced at the council’s last meeting, but tabled to allow some late changes before it was reintroduced Tuesday. The council will give second and final reading at the next meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2018.
The plan sets pay ranges and job descriptions for the city employees.
The council also gave its initial approval of an zoning regulation change that will allow the location of double wide mobile and modular homes in a mobile home subdivision.
In other business, the council:
— approved a request to close East Flaget Avenue from 6 to 10 p.m. on Oct. 20, 2018, for the sixth annual Craft Beer Festival.
— heard from Mayor Dick Heaton that the state’s transportation office in Elizabethtown has been asked to conduct a traffic study of the intersection Templin and North Fifth Street. The goal is to get data to assist with suggestions to improve safety at that intersection, and to see if some sort of three-way stop will be an effective long-term solution.
NEXT UP. The Bardstown City Council’s next meeting is 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2018.