
Superintendent Dr. Ryan Clark is today’s guest at 11 a.m. on WBRT AM/FM


Friday, Feb. 1, 2019 — Dr. Ryan Clark is this morning’s guest on WBRT’s “Local Community Scene.” Host Jim Brooks and Dr. Clark will discuss the district’s recent move to fund the purchase of a new program that will help assess the social and emotional health of district students.

Earlier this week, the school board approved a contract with Terrance Metrics, a company that uses a web-based survey that will give administrators early indicators of issues students face that can impact their social and emotional health.

Tune it this morning at 11 a.m. to WBRT AM 1320, 97.1 FM, streaming live, WBRTCountry.com, or what us live via BRTV, Bardstown Cable Channel 19.


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