Fiscal Court approves state $1.3 million in secondary road program funding
Nelson County Gazette / WBRT Radio
Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2019 — Nelson Fiscal Court approved today the list of roads that will be repaved as part of the Rural Secondary program.
The program will spend $1.4 million in the county, the majority of which will repave sections of two roadways.
The program will spend up to $615,728 to repave about 7 miles of KY 605 from its intersection with US150 Springfield Road to its intersection with US 62 Bloomfield Road. The program also has budgeted $153,525 to repave 2 miles of Ben Irvin Road, from its intersection with Templin Ave. to Wheeler Road.
The program has $597,800 set aside for roadway maintenance.
Nelson Fiscal Court receives 10 percent of the county’s secondary road money for use as “flex funds” — money spent at the discretion of the court and the judge executive.
The court approved the expenditure of these flex funds for four paving projects on county roads. The projects include:
— Ballard Lane, .6 mile, at a cost of $32,500.
— Milton Brown Road, .625 mile at a cost of $32,500.
— Mobley Mill Road, .625 mile at a cost of $32,500.
— Green Chapel Road, .71 mile at a cost of $34,400.
Nelson County Judge Executive Dean Watts said the county will most likely wind up adding some additional funding to help complete this paving projects.
BULKY ITEM PICKUP. Lee Mattingly, assistant county road supervisor, reminded the court that bulky item pickup begins February 25 in the eastern half of Nelson County. The area includes all areas east of US31E north of Bardstown, including High Grove, Fairfield, Bloomfield and Chaplin, and south of Bardstown, all areas east of KY 49, the Loretto Road.
The second phase of bulky item pickup begins March 11th, and includes the southern areas of the county south of the Bluegrass Parkway and west of KY 49, the Loretto Road.
The final phase of bulky item pickup starts March 25th, and includes the remaining northwestern portion of the county north of the Bluegrass Parkway and west of US 31E, the Louisville Road.
TIRE AMNESTY PROGRAM. The court gave final approval of the agreement for the county tire amnesty program planned for May 9-11, 2019, at the Nelson County Fairgrounds.
The amnesty means that local residents and business owners can bring their tires to the fairgrounds for disposal and recycling without paying a fee. Tire retailers and tire recyclers may not participate in the amnesty program.
The county will have four employees at the fairgrounds to oversee the operation of the program.
In other business, the court —
— Magistrate Eric Shelburne asked the court to consider having a study that would measure the width of the county’s roads. Knowing the road widths will allow for more equal distribution of black top money to each of the county’s five districts.
— approved a correction to the sheriff’s budget that was previously approved.
— approved the elected officials salaries. Judge Executive Dean Watts’ maximum salary was set at $107,512.
— approved a service contract with Intertech Mechanical for maintenance of the HVAC systems at the Nelson County Justice Center.
NEXT UP. Nelson Fiscal Court will next meet at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2019.