Cox’s Station NSDAR presents Good Citizens awards to 3 high school seniors
Nelson County Gazette / WBRT Radio
Monday, March 11, 2019 — The Cox’s Station chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution presented three area high school seniors with Good Citizen Awards Monday night at its monthly meeting.
The awards recognize that the students have met or exceeded the DAR’s award requirements which look at dependability, service to the community, leadership and patriotism
The Good Citizen Award winners received a special pin recognizing their award, a certificate and a monetary gift.
The awards winners included Nelson County High School senior Larkin Williams; Lydia Rose Sandefur, a senior at Thomas Nelson High School; and Jacob Smith, a senior at Washington County High School.
The Cox’s Station NSDAR also presented award to local media for the contributions to the community. Kentucky Standard reporter Randy Patrick and Nelson County Gazette editor Jim Brooks were honored with certificates recognizing their community journalism.
The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution is a lineage-based membership service organization for women It has 185,000 members in the United States and other countries.