
Council gives first approval of ordinance that lets bars serve alcohol until 2 a.m.

Nelson County Gazette / WBRT Radio

Bardstown Police Chief Kim Kraeszig, left, talks to the council during Tuesday’s city council meeting. From left, Kraeszig, Greg Ashworth, city risk manager and HR director; Councilmen David Dones, Bill Sheckles and Roland “Coach Ro” Williams.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019 (Corrected 9 a.m. May 29, 2019) — After a lengthy discussion, the Bardstown City Council passed the first reading of an ordinance that will extend the hours that local bars can sell alcohol from 1 a.m. 2 a.m.

Several members of the council were concerned about the possible impact the longer hours might have on possible crime and to the growing number of residents who are chosing to live downtown.

Councilman David Dones asked if the change might require an increased police presence as the bars close later. His research online indicated that the potential for crime increases with each hour alcohol establishments are open.

Dones also wondered what the benefit would be to other city residents.

“It looks like right now this only benefits bar owners,’ Dones said.

Chief Kim Kraeszig said she didn’t have crime statistics, but the calls for service she reviewed weren’t out of the ordinary.

The change could mean some additional overtime or staffing issues for the police department. It can take 25 to 30 minutes for the bars to clear out after closing time, and that could mean officers scheduled to go off duty at 2 a.m. may have to stay longer.

Mayor Dick Heaton said the feedback he has received has been positive. The businesses wanting the longer hours have been handling any trash being generated by the bars.

“If this ordinance is passed, I hope this will continue,” Heaton said. If the longer hours are approved by the council and the trash downtown becomes an issue, the council has the option of revisiting the change, he warned.

Heaton reminded the council that downtown residents are concerned about the live ability issue, “and we need to keep in mind who will be impacted by this.”

Kraeszig said one of the local businesses advocating for longer hours objected to a memo she distributed regarding the rules regarding outdoor sales of alcohol to patrons on the sidewalks.

The memo was distributed personally to business owners as a courtesy reminder, she said. The businessman apparently did not believe the focus on the ordinance was not a good use of police resources.

Councilman Bill Sheckles reminded the council that it approved without much discussion a change that moved the start of Sunday alcohol sales from 1 p.m. back to 10 a.m.

This request is simply a change on the other end of the schedule, he explained.

The council took no formal vote on the ordinance’s first reading. The council will take a final vote on the ordinance at a meeting in June.

Councilman David Dones, left, speaks to the council during its meeting Tuesday night.

ELECTRIC RATES. The council approved first reading of new electric rates that will mean slightly lower electricity bills for most city electric customers.

The lower rate is also coupled with an increase in the monthly customer charge. For residential customers, that charge increases $2.72, from $7.28 to $10.

For E2 Commercial customers, the customer charge will increase $5, from $10 to $15.

There has been no customer charge for E3 Large Power Customers. They will now pay a $30 per month customer charge.

E4 and E5 Industrial customers will also have to pay a new customer charge of $90 per month.

In other business, the council:

— approved fireworks booths for the Bloomfield Church of God. One tent will be located near Walmart, and second will be located at Burger King on West John Rowan.

— accepted the Tourist Commission Fiscal Year 2019-2020 budget.

— appointed Councilman Bill Sheckles to the Bardstown Industrial Develeopment Corp board for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2019.


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