
Official: City is not removing signs supporting Crystal Rogers & family

Nelson County Gazette / WBRT Radio

Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2019 — City officials want to set straight rumors circulating on social media that allege the City of Bardstown has recently had its employees remove signs that support the family of Crystal Rogers.

Social media posts directed at Bardstown Mayor Dick Heaton and City Hall have accused the City of removing Crystal Rogers signs in advance of the Kentucky Bourbon Festival. Others on social media have also complained that the city’s renewed enforcement of its sign ordinance — which has required some business owners to remove signs that are out of compliance with the city sign ordinance. Several social media posts combine anger over both items.


During Tuesday night’s council meeting, Greg Ashworth, the city’s human resources manager, explained that neither the city nor its employees have been removing Crystal Rogers signs in the city limits.

“I want to assure the Ballard family and the public that no on in the City of Bardstown organization is removing these signs,” he said.

Ashworth said the city now has a fulltime code enforcement officer who follows up on violations of the city’s ordinances, including the city’s sign ordinance.

While the enforcement officer isn’t removing the signs, Ashworth said that the city will ask sign owners to move Crystal Rogers signs if they are placed in the city right-of-way. The city will only ask the signs to be moved, but will not actually remove those signs.

Ashworth said he isn’t sure who may be removing people’s Crystal Rogers signs.

Heaton was unable to attend Tuesday’s city council meeting, and former mayor and current Councilman Bill Sheckles was asked to preside over the meeting.


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