
Columnist questions the advancements brought by the Sexual Revolution

35th District Georgia State Representative

Monday, Oct. 14, 2019 — It’s doubtful that I would have had a keen awareness of the Sexual Revolution had I not been around 16- to 20-year olds for the past 52 years. I capitalize the two words because just as surely as the Industrial Revolution, the American Revolution, and the Civil Rights Movement were all social/political game changers in the Western world, so have been the ever changing views of human sexuality.


With a fearful and sad heart I watched at least five times the video of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam defending post-birth abortion. Of course “post-birth abortion” is an illogical expression. If a baby is alive and delivered it can hardly be aborted, but its life can certainly still be ended, and that’s exactly what the governor was suggesting.

And what connection does abortion have to the Sexual Revolution? According to the Guttmacher Institute, over 80% of abortions are for convenience. Fewer than 1% are done to save the life of the mother. Most of the 80% are by young, unwed mothers.

The Sexual Revolution began in the late ’60s. Had the Great Depression not halted the Roaring Twenties, it might have begun sooner. This ongoing revolution has denied the importance of home, redefined marriage and family, reduced all sexual morality to “consent,” and exchanged common sense and science for ideology.

Believe it or not, there is a political candidate who is challenging the revolution. He, too, is a doctor, a former veterinarian and now a general practice physician. A third-term congressman from northeastern Louisiana’s 5th District, Dr. Ralph Abraham is a happy cultural warrior. The good doctor dares to speak exactly what he believes, addressing what he calls “the absence of common sense in all of the gender and transgender talk.”

“I’ve delivered babies for years and I can tell you that in every case I’ve turned to their parents and told them they have a boy or a girl,” the doctor-politician recently stated.

Dr. Abraham’s strong stand has not hindered his present race for governor of Louisiana. It has, however, made me wonder why more politicians and doctors as well don’t speak out for sanity in all things sexual. The Sexual Revolution has delivered disease and sexual chaos. It has normalized the abnormal. Even so there is silence everywhere.

OK, let’s forget about those silly, outdated ideas about traditional marriage, monogamy and marital fidelity. Let’s go libertine and do just anything we wish. What’s wrong with trouples, or polyamory, or incest? That’s right, incest. Does anyone think incest is not in the agenda of the sexual libertines? Some of us need to do a little more reading.

And parents need to do a lot more inquiring, in the schools of California, Washington state, Massachusetts and Virginia for sure, but coming soon to the schools in your area as well. For that we can thank the LGBQT lobby, the criers for “transgender studies,” the ACLU, the American Psychological Association, which long ago left its academic purpose, and quite a few religious denominations that have traded orthodox faith for “diversification,” diversification meaning not different cultures but a departure from Judeo-Christian values that Western culture has championed for two millennia.

Suffice it to say that modern society cannot countenance any restraint on sex. No limitations, no boundaries either. Surely there are more than two genders. Tell your son he can be a girl. Get free from nature and nature’s God. Cut loose from marital fidelity and from matrimony itself. Give Oscars to those who depict blood, gore and the raunchiest sex, but who would never show a video of an abortion. Appoint judges who, untethered from the written law, sally off to invent new “rights.”

Traditionalists have spoken much of family but perhaps too little of “household,” a word that sends leftists into cardiac arrest. The culture needs families, but families need a place, that is, a community. Even gangs have a place where work is shared and belonging is experienced. Ponder how a sense of place, where meals are shared and talk is plentiful, might alleviate the loneliness that leads so many teens down the wrong sexual path. Ponder the great need for community and political leaders to speak out on sexual chaos as the Louisiana doctor-politician is doing.

The beast of perversion is at America’s door. Guardrails are needed. It will take parents, grandparents, pastors, teachers, and straight-talking politicians to restore them. I doubt that I could have hope for restoration if I had not gazed into the eyes of so many lonely and aimless young people who yearned for something more than what the culture was giving them.

Restore the guardrails we must.

Roger Hines is a retired English teacher and a Georgia state legislator from Kennesaw, Ga. He is a regular contributor for the Marietta Daily Journal.


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