
Obituary: Shilo R. Wicks, 49


Shilo R. Wicks, 49, passed away Friday, Jan. 24, 2020. She was born June 28, 1970. Her name means peace in the Old Testament. She graduated from the University of Kentucky with a health science degree. She also received a nursing degree while living in South Carolina. She was crowned Miss Russell County in 1989 and was placed in the top 15 in the Miss Kentucky pageant. After moving back to Kentucky, she worked at Amazon and went on to work at Inoac in Bardstown. She loved to help others. It brought her so much joy. If she knew of a friend or someone she worked with that was going through a hard time, she would give them some money, donate food and do whatever she could to help. She had a beautiful spirit. She was saved and baptized at the age of 12. She recently started getting closer to Jesus again. Some of her happiest times were spending time with family. She vacationed in Mexico with her mom. She went to see the Phantom of the Opera on Broadway. She visited Las Vegas and went on an all girls trip to Florida with college friends. She toured D.C. with her mom and sister. She loved the times when her sister, nephew and brother-in-law drove out to Myrtle Beach to see her and her mother. They went to Medieval Times, Dixie Stampede and the beach.

She is dearly missed and loved by many. She is happy in Heaven with her mom and brother. She is set free. John 14:27.

She was preceded in death by her beloved mama, Carolyn Rogers; and one brother, Scotty Wicks.

She is survived by one sister, Shadey (Jeff) Pruden of Shepherdsville; one nephew, Logan Pruden of Shepherdsville; and two cousins, Chrissy Wicks and Angie Wicks Lillpop, both of Indiana.

The family followed her wishes of cremation.

The Houghlin-Greenwell Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements


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