
Lincoln Trail health department confirms 10th COVID-19 case in Nelson County


Friday, April 10, 2020 — One new COVID-19 case was confirmed Friday by the Lincoln Trail District Health Department.

Local sources confirmed the latest positive confirmed virus patient is a 33-year-old Bardstown woman.

According to the Lincoln Trail Health Department, one additional case was also reported in Hardin County for a total of 50 cases in the district’s six county area.

This brings the total cases per county to: Hardin County 23, LaRue County 2, Marion County 10, Meade County 2, Nelson County 10, and Washington County 3.

Forty-one of those cases are on home isolation or have been released from monitoring, the health department reported Friday.

With Easter coming this weekend, the Lincoln Trail health department is advising against drive-in style church services. If churches chose to host drive-in services, they are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:

• Cars must be spaced at least 6 feet apart (10 feet is recommended)
• Only immediate family members are allowed in the car
• No one may get out of the car for any reason
• NOTHING may be passed from car-to-car–communion, donation plates, Easter eggs, etc.

Now is the time to remain diligent in physically distancing from others and continuing to practice the advice given by public health officials. If we fail to do this, the effect will be devasting on our counties.

Click image to enlarge.

The chart above illustrates how effective social distancing can be to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus.

As the chart illustrates, three months of poor adherence to physical distancing could result in 6 times more cases per county. The more you are at home, the more lives you are saving.


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