So much for unity: Former GOP county chair forms splinter Republican group

Nelson County Gazette
Wednesday, July 28, 2021 — Former Republican Party chairman Don Thrasher’s recent letter to the editor offering an apology and call for unity within the Nelson County Republic Party seems to have been a very short-lived sentiment.
This week, local Republicans began receiving a mailer that blasted the newly reorganized county Republican party for putting “old school” Republicans back in charge, and for rescinding a resolution passed while Thrasher was party chairman that censured Sen. Mitch McConnell for remarks he made critical of former President Donald Trump.
“Praising Mitch and slapping President Trump and his supporters in the face does not unify the local party,” the mailer states.
Though the mailer doesn’t mention it, the reorganized Nelson County Republicans also rescinded the resolution passed Thrasher was chairman that was critical of state Rep. Chad McCoy.
The mailer recruits Republicans who agree with Thrasher to join a new political action committee, the “Nelson County American First” caucus whose members will “help fight for Nelson County.”
“If you are fed up with leaders without backbones to fight, join with us,” Thrasher writes.
Thrasher’s mailer features a copyrighted illustration of Sen. Mitch McConnell by Ryan Inzana, a nationally known illustrator.
WEBSITE. The mailer lists the organization’s website, which as of this writing was devoid of content beyond the usual generic WordPress placeholder texts. The website was apparently created in early July.
SOCIAL MEDIA. The Facebook page for the America First group is much more active, with details from the group’s first meeting earlier this month that was to discuss ways to fight Critical Race Theory.
The group plans to meet at 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 19, 2021, at the Nelson County Public Library, where they will host Chris Henning, a Shepherdsville Army veteran who is running in the May 2022 Republican primary for the 2nd District Congressional seat currently held by Rep. Brett Guthrie.
On his Facebook page, Thrasher writes that was “taken aback” by the supportive phone calls and emails regarding the mailer, and suggests that candidates who go against his “America First” platform in the May 2022 primary will go down in defeat.
Thrasher appears intent on splitting the county Republicans into two camps, which he expects will play a role in the outcome of the May 2022 Republican primary.