
Jail Logs–July 29-Aug. 1, 2011


Editor’s Note: The Nelson County Gazette believes the public has a right to know who has been arrested by local officials and lodged in the Nelson County Jail. The information below is a compiled list of daily booking logs from the jail. The bookings state the person(s) arrested and the charge(s) against them. This information is public record.

July 29, 2011

Ronnie Dale Nalley, 32, operating a motor vehicle under influence of alcohol/drugs/etc., .08, fourth or greater offense; reckless driving; possession of open alcohol beverage container in motor vehicle.

Jeremy Ernest Kerr, 28, sexual abuse, first-degree.

Flint Michael Sanger, 22, leaving the scene of an accident/failure to render aid or assistance; operating a motor vehicle under influence of alcohol/drugs/etc., .08.

Matthew Edward Cooke, 22, failure to appear, citation for misdemeanor.

Timothy Wayne Noel, 24, operating on suspended/revoked operators license; speeding, 17 mph over limit.

Heather Higginbotham, 36, operating motor vehicle under influence alcohol/drugs/etc., .08 (aggravating circumstances).

Trevor Shane Ballard, 23, robbery, second-degree.

Paul Jarrod Barnes, 31, theft by unlawful taking/disposition-shoplifting.

Robyn Leigh Franciso, 26, disorderly conduct, second-degree; resisting arrest; harassment.

July 30, 2011

Ashley Paige Coulter, 25, operating a motor vehicle under influence of alcohol/drugs/etc., .08.

July 31, 2011

Sylvester A. Porter, 49, operating a motor vehicle under influence of alcohol/drugs/etc., .08 (aggravating circumstances).

Jose Meza Ramirez, 26, assault, fourth-degree (domestic violence), minor injury.

Thomas Jerome Mudd, 47, alcohol intoxication in a public place.

Denzel Anante Lydian, 25, custodial interference-felony; giving officer false name or address.

Aug. 1, 2011

Monty Robin Hughes, 46, disorder conduct, second-degree; menacing; terroristic threatening, third-degree.

Benjamin Jose Schwab, 20, operating a motor vehicle under influence of alcohol/drugs/etc., .08.

Andrew J. Fendley, 25, contempt of court, libel/slander, resistance to order.

Steven Lawrence Edelen, 34, unlawful access to computer, second-degree; prescription controlled substance not in original container.

Thomas Jerome Mudd, 47,alcohol intoxication in a public place; criminal trespassing, second-degree.


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