
Candidates required to file campaign finance form prior to filing for office


Click to enlarge the KREF campaign finance form instructions.

Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2021 — Wednesday was the first day that individuals seeking to run for office in the May primary could file their paperwork.

Nelson County Clerk Jeanette Hall Sidebottom is reminding all potential candidates of a new statutory requirement — before candidates can file their paperwork in her office, they first must go to the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance website and complete the campaign finance statement that declares their spending intent and names a campaign treasurer.

In years past, candidates completed this form and filed it at the same time they filed their campaign paperwork with the county clerk, Sidebottom said. But starting with this election cycle, candidates must go online to the KREF website FIRST and complete the campaign finance document.

After completing the form, candidates must print a copy of that and bring it with them to the county clerk’s office along with their nomination paperwork.

To read the KREF’s instructions regarding the campaign finance documentation, click here to download the instructions.

Candidates in partisan races must have two signatures on their paperwork from individuals from the same political party. They can go to the clerk’s office with the candidate files his or her paperwork, or they can sign the paperwork ahead of time, though if they do, the signatures should be notarized.

Candidates with questions can call the Nelson County Clerk’s office, (502) 348-1820, or visit the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance at kref.ky.gov.

The candidate filing deadline for the May 2022 primary races is 4 p.m. Jan. 7.


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