
Council sets tax rates, votes to give Internet customers faster speeds

Nelson County Gazette

Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2011, 12:02 a.m. – Users of the city’s cable Internet system will see their access speeds increase soon – and it won’t cost them a thing.

Councilman Roland Williams looks over his packet of information during Tuesday's city council meeting.

The Bardstown City Council approved Tuesday night first reading of an ordinance that will move its residential Internet users to the next higher level of service at no additional cost to the users.

Currently, the city offers Internet speeds of 1, 3, 6 and 10 Megabits per second (Mbs). Under the new ordinance, the 1 Mbs service will be dropped, and the lowest speed offered will be 3 Mbs. Users will automatically move up to the next higher level.

The change is possible due to the city’s reduced costs for its access to the Internet. The move is also aimed at keeping the city’s Internet access competitive.

The measure will require the council to approve it on second reading at an upcoming meeting.

TAX RATES SET. The council also passed on first reading the 2011 tax rates for real estate, personal property, accepting a rate that was slightly lower than last year’s rate.

The 2010 tax rate for real estate and personal property was 18.9 cents per $100 value. The 2011 rate will be slightly less — 18.88 cents per $100 of value for 2011. The rate for watercraft is the same as last year, 24 cents per $100 of value.

Mayor Bill Sheckles told the council that during the 2011-12 budget discussions, he did not plan to take the allowed 4 percent revenue increase allowed by law. State law allows local governments to accept a maximum 4 percent increase in tax revenue.

“I used the compensating rate in the budget figures, which essentially allows us to have the same amount of money in this year’s budget as we had in last year’s budget,” Sheckles said.

The council voted 6-0 to approve first reading on the tax rate ordinance. The measure will require a second reading for it to be enacted.

In other business, the council:

• Approved a municipal order permitting the mayor to enter into a loan agreement with the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority for $1.9 million to go toward the sewer line being built to serve Bloomfield;

• Approved second reading on a rezoning request by Finn Davis LLC and Kristie Cissell McKown for a tract at the corner of Old Bloomfield Pike and Reardon Boulevard, B-3 business to R-3 multi-family residential;

• Approved the closure of Xavier Drive for the 2011 Kentucky Home Bicycle Tour on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2011 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.;

• Approved second reading of a revised wastewater ordinance amendment;

• Accepted a report from the cemetery committee, which met on Aug. 10, 2011.


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