
Letter: Writer questions Shelburne’s personal attacks on candidate Hutchins

To the editor,

I’ve had some time last night and this morning to contemplate this election.
I know politics gets a little ugly and none of us are exempt from time to time. It is a passionate part of our lives.

I’ve seen the ads Mr. Hutchins has put out. All of these things are political agenda facts with documentation to support. Mr. Hutchins has not accused Eric Shelburne of being a bad husband or family man, he has not attacked Eric’s personal business. They have all been political office-driven points. Yet, Eric Shelburne’s rebuttals include vague attacks on Tim as a bad business man, unfaithful and in debt. All gossipy hearsay things. But Eric’s taking the “high road?”

Eric, Tim said you were a Booker supporter and you said he is immoral and that is the high road?

If leading Nelson County forward with lies (such as speaking to a fire chief when you didn’t and pretending internet is secured for New Haven when it is in the works with the county engineer and not yet secured) is the high road, then I guess you’re King of the Mountain, Mr. Shelburne.

Mr. Hutchins, I hope you stay on the road you’re on and continue to give us facts that matter to the people, not Mr. Shelburne’s wife and personal issues. All we care about is what our next County Judge Executive is going to do in that office for the people. You have my full support.

Donna R Dugan
Lifelong Nelson County resident

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