Letter: Shelburne ‘invested in the well being’ of Nelson County’s youths
Dear Editor,
Nelson County is on the perfect path to flourish by providing opportunities for citizens of all ages, but our government has to be willing to explore those options so we can reap the benefits. We cannot accept the concept of “good enough” or “that is how it has always been done.” That’s why I am voting for Eric Shelburne for Nelson County Judge Executive; he has a plan for the future of Nelson County.

As a young adult, it is important to me to have leaders that care about bringing opportunities to Nelson County for the next generation. Eric has specific plans to bring recreation and economic opportunities to our county. After a conversation with Eric, you know that he is invested in the well being of our youth. It is refreshing to know that Eric will take all voices into consideration when making decisions for our county.
Eric Shelburne has stated that he will work across party lines to accomplish what is best for Nelson County. He understands that we are all Nelson County residents, regardless of our political affiliations, religions, or races, and he is going to listen to all of us because he cares about the people he is serving. Eric doesn’t let petty national politics get in his way; he has his priorities straight and puts Nelson County first.
Anyone in a position of power should be a servant leader: someone who serves to help others, and not for the money or status for themselves. Eric leads by example. He doesn’t just sit back and watch while others do the work. He is in the trenches with you, working to get every job done.
If you are interested in the betterment of Nelson County, then you should vote for Eric Shelburne for Nelson County Judge Executive.
Bri Janes