
Letter: Local Democrats should clarify their position on Amendment No. 2

To the Editor,

A registered Democrat friend recently received a mailer from the Democratic Party of Nelson Co., urging voters to choose Eric Shelburne, Tracey Bonzo, Steve Campbell, Field Houghlin, and Brent Bray in our Nov. 8 general election. Kenny Fogle, Chair, and Martha Nest, Treasurer, are listed on the mailer, along with a sentence urging voters to reject Amendment 2, which is also on the ballot Nov. 8.

Amendment 2 is a pro-life amendment to the state constitution, which would prevent our tax dollars from being used to kill unborn babies. That these five candidates — Shelburne, Bonzo, Campbell, Houghlin, and Bray — would apparently support defeating a pro-life amendment, is very sad and shocking. Many Democrats would claim to be pro-life, and some Republicans I know would want to support one or more of these candidates because they believe them to be persons of character and capable of advancing the public good. But how could anyone who desires to uphold the public good want to hinder the protection of our most innocent and vulnerable citizens?

If these candidates are pro-life, they need to publicly clarify that they do not stand with their party in rejecting Amendment 2 and the murder of innocent little ones.

Amelia Clements
Cox’s Creek

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