School board votes down bonds to pay for Thomas Nelson middle school project
Friday, Jan. 27, 2023 — The Nelson County Board of Education failed Thursday to approve a resolution to allow bonds to be issued to pay for the $24.8 million construction project to add a middle school to Thomas Nelson High School.
The special meeting had a single purpose — for the school board to approve the district’s finance corporation to issue bonds. The Thomas Nelson construction bids will expire on Feb 1st, so the approval to issue bonds was necessary before that date.
Superintendent Wes Bradley explained that if the board doesn’t approve the bond resolution, then there was no reason to convene the district finance board.
He said the board was left with two options — go back and reconsider bond resolution and approve it so the district finance board could meet, or simply adjourn the meeting.
Board member Amanda Deaton made a motion to adjourn, with David Norman adding his second. Board members Tracy Bowling and Damon Jackey voted against adjournment, while Diane Berry joined Deaton and Norman’s votes to adjourn the meeting.