
Letter: Writer objects to coverage of Feb. 9th county school board meeting

To the editor,

I opened in the Nelson County Gazette what I thought was going to be a news report on the Nelson County school board meeting of Feb. 9, 2023, but the news report very quickly turned into an editorial. The article started off very factual up until it got to the part that the meeting adjourned and then Mr. Brooks decided to start editorializing by reporting comments by the remaining board members and people in the audience. He then only reported comments that were favorable to the merger. He intentionally did not report comments that were made against merger and there were many. Mr. Brooks also failed to report that at this meeting no public comment could be made. Those that are against merger were well aware of that fact and that is why they were not there.

News reports should not be editorials. If there is a public disagreement both sides of the argument should be reported. Let me make this very clear. I am not questioning Mr Brooks’ journalistic integrity . It is very clear he has none.

Delton Drake

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