
UN experts: Sea salt craze causing irreparable harm to global oceans


SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 2023 — The United Nations Committee on Things to Keep Us Awake At Night issued a stern warming to the international community that the widespread use of sea salt to season food — particularly in the U.S. — is pushing the world’s oceans to the brink of desalinization.

“If we continue to use sea salt in our diets at this rate, our oceans will eventually became the equivalent of tap water,” Dr. Igota Bigmouf told a throng of media types this morning on the steps of the iconic United Nations building in New York.

The U.N. The committee unanimously agreed that increasing use of sea salt could leave the oceans salt less by 2050.

Activists suggest the Chloride Consortium is responsible for the new threat to the world’s oceans.

While sea salt was once thought to offer an endless supply of the seasoning agent for Westerners’ developing tastes that offered implied health benefits, experts now urge banning its use and the placement of sea salt on the U.N. Endangered Spices & Condiments List.

“It isn’t public knowledge, but sea salt is nothing more than sodium chloride, the exact same thing as regular table salt,” Dr. Mini Ural, president of the Save Our Salty Oceans, said at the press conference. “In fact, the popularity of sea salt has been nothing more than a product of the PR efforts of the industry conglomerates known collectively as “The Chloride Consortium.”

A consortium representative’s only comment was “We here at the Consortium take these complaints with a grain of salt.”


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