
Letter: Leadership on Narcan issue will save lives

To the editor,

The members of the Social Justice Committee of the Episcopal Church of the Ascension would like to add our voice to United for Recovery and other leaders, both individuals and groups, and speak out bravely and boldly to request that the leadership of Nelson County install Narcan vending machines.

We believe that is critical to recognize that substance abuse is not a moral failing and should not be stigmatized. We acknowledge that drug use is becoming ever more frequent and increasingly risky. A minimum of two death occurs weekly in Nelson County due to drug poisoning.

We understand that people who take a naloxone kit may not even be an opioid user but use it for a rescue situation to help others.

Please make this critical and life-saving tool free and anonymous, so more previous lives will not be lost. Leadership saves lives.

Patricia Hart, Chairperson
Social Justice Committee
Episcopal Church of the Ascension


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