
Nelson Co. Jailer update: Why put off tomorrow what you can accomplish today?

Nelson County Jailer

Friday, June 23, 2023 — It is coming up on six months since I assumed office as your Nelson County Jailer. From the beginning, I was determined to leverage my previous experience and alter the course of our current facility. For far too long, our facility has operated in obscurity, out of sight and out of mind.


Personally, I firmly believe that anything funded by taxpayers should demonstrate visible benefits. Prior to taking office, my campaign centered around various pledges. Notably, one of my strengths was that I am not a politician, impervious to control by special interest groups. My primary objective is to serve the best interests of the citizens of Nelson County and the inmates under my care.

During my first term, I embarked on several major goals. First and foremost, I aimed to reduce costs and streamline our contracts, thoroughly reviewing each one. Additionally, my intention was to keep our purchases within Nelson County. If that wasn’t possible, I made sure to buy from within the state of Kentucky. Furthermore, I sought to confront the drug epidemic head-on. To that end, I aimed to acquire a body scanner at no expense to taxpayers and outsource the mail services to hinder the introduction of contraband into the facility. Embracing technology, I successfully secured a grant to upgrade our camera systems. Soon, we will implement biometric life centers in our isolation cells, which will aid in monitoring for suicide and overdose incidents. We also forged a partnership with an electronic monitoring company to facilitate electronic logs.

I am pleased to report that we have redirected over $500,000 back to Kentucky and Nelson County, funds that were previously leaving the state. Additionally, through contract negotiations, we have achieved savings exceeding $250,000. Our kitchen and canteen operations have undergone a reorganization, enabling more staff members to ensure the facility’s security. Notably, one of our most significant accomplishments is the establishment of a fully operational inmate work program, the first in Nelson County in 20 years.

Some have questioned the speed at which I am implementing these changes, suggesting that I should pace myself to have fresh achievements to present during re-election. However, my response to such concerns is that there is no reason to delay actions that can save lives for the sake of political advantage three years from now. While there are many positive developments within our facility, I am not oblivious to the challenges that lie ahead. We are actively working on enhancing deputy training, as well as ongoing maintenance and painting projects within the facility.

Unfortunately, jails can be host to undesirable incidents from time to time. My responsibility is to minimize such occurrences. As I write this article, highlighting the positives, it is crucial to acknowledge that we operate in a highly volatile environment, where things can change in a matter of seconds. Not every update coming from a jail/correctional facility can be positive all the time due to the nature of the environment and job.

I would like to personally express gratitude to our staff, the Nelson County Fiscal Court, Nelson County Sheriff’s Office, and all other agencies that have contributed to our progress thus far. In just six months, I can honestly say that I have fulfilled all my campaign promises. I undertook this role not for personal gain but to serve our citizens, Nelson County, and the inmates entrusted to my care. I am excited to witness what the future holds.

Thank you, Nelson County, for your support and for entrusting me with the responsibility of being your Jailer.


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