
Letter: Officials thankful for support for local residents trapped in Israel

To the Citizens of Nelson County:

We want to express our gratitude and appreciation for the many citizens of Nelson County who called and prayed for the safety of our Nelson County citizens while they were traveling in Israel. Nelson County has undoubtedly proved once again that our citizens are resilient and that we are indeed a supportive community.

Our community has come together in a spirit of unity while offering our prayers and heartfelt concern for the people of Israel and all those affected by the terrible events in the surrounding areas. We are proud that Nelson County remains a constant example of community strength.

Our sincere thanks go to the extraordinary efforts of people known and unknown who worked to ensure the safety of our citizens. Their fast-acting commitment to our friends and family is very much appreciated as all Nelson County citizens are home safe.

Nelson County Judge-Executive Tim Hutchins
Bardstown Mayor Dick Heaton
14th District State
Sen. Jimmy Higdon
50th District State Rep. Candy Massaroni

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