Groundbreaking marks official start of Mayor’s Park expansion project
Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023 — The City of Bardstown held a groundbreaking ceremony Thursday at the corner of North Third Street and Broadway to commemorate the start of the expansion on the Mayor’s Park.
Under sunny skies and with shovels at the ready, local officials broke ground
on the project that will the park to cover the entire lot at that corner, which years ago was home to a gas station and self-serve car wash.
According to Bardstown Mayor Dick Heaton, the park will grow from about 1,500 square feet into about six-tenths of an acre.
In an interview with WBRT Radio, Heaton said the expansion will contribute to the look and feel of the entry point into our Historic Downtown district when visitors enter from the north.
Work is expected to begin Monday, Nov. 20, 2023, on the park expansion, the first phase will include demolition work that will include removing some trees, Heaton explained.
City crews will be doing some of the work at the site, which will reduce construction costs.
Heaton said the park project could be completed by late Spring or early next summer.