
Council honors school athlete champs, gets updates on Narcan vending, Mayor’s Park

Nelson County Gazette / WBRT Radio

Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023 — Mayor Dick Heaton and the Bardstown City Council honored the Bethlehem Banshee’s girls’ soccer team and the Thomas Nelson High School cross-country teams for their state-level wins at the start of last night’s council meeting.


NARCAN VENDING MACHINE. Councilwoman Betty Hart told the council about the new free Narcan machine now in place at the Bardstown First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Narcan is a drug that can reverse an overdose on opioids and is often attributed with saving drug users from overdosing and dying.

The Narcan box will be stocked and maintained by the Lincoln Trail District Health Department. In its first week, three boxes were picked up from the unit. Hart told the council.

BABY BOX. Mayor Heaton announced the the city fire department is now home to the city’s first Safe Haven Baby Box. He told the story behind the baby box, which was unveiled this past week. Bardstown Fire Chief Todd Spalding said the installation required the cooperation of multiple agencies.

MAYOR’S PARK. Heaton reported to the council on the groundbreaking ceremony recently held at the Mayor’s Park. City crews began demolition this week, preparing the site for the arrival of the contractor, Hare Construction, who is expected to be on-site this week.

KY245 WIDENING PROJECT. Heaton also reported that the state plans to hold a public meeting in regard to the state’s plans to widen KY245 from Flaget Hospital to Bullitt County.

Heaton said the Kentucky Department of Transportation is expected to announce a public meeting in December at Thomas Nelson High School.

The completed widening project is still several years away, he said.

State traffic studies indicate that more than 15,000 vehicles a day travel KY 245 in Nelson County.

LOUISVILLE WATER PROJECT. Heaton reported that the Louisville Water Company has their part of the water line extension designed.

Due to the plans to widen KY 245, the design for the water line the Northeast Nelson Water Company will build to connect Bardstown to the Louisville Water Co. line has been delayed.

In other business, the council:

— approved the appointment of Nancy Foster to the Historic Review Board. Heaton said Foster brings substantial experience in interior design and is interested in serving.

— approved a five-year tax assessment moratorium request for a property at 109 West Muir Avenue.

— Cemetery committee member Councilman Joe Buckman reported that the columbarium at the city cemetery has been repaired and is ready to house additional cremains.


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