
Nelson County Judge-Executive Tim Hutchins provides Holiday season update

Nelson County Judge-Executive


Sunday, Dec. 17, 2023 — With the Christmas season upon us, the beauty of our county is everywhere. Between twinkling lights, seasonal inflatables, being with friends and family, Christmas trees, and colder temperatures, the signs of the Holidays are all around us. However, we should remember the reason for the season – the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

As I reflect on my blessings, I appreciate the support, kind words, and help that I’ve received in my first year as Nelson County Judge-Executive. I am blessed to have a loving wife, children, friends and family who have stood by me and continue to be my biggest supporters. I am fortunate to be an active member of St. Gregory Catholic Church and I am grateful for my health.

As the last few weeks of 2023 draw to a close, I want to wish all Nelson County citizens a very Merry Christmas.


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