
Letter: Writer appreciates Massaroni’s service, adherence to Christian values

To the Editor,

I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for state Rep. Candy Massaroni’s dedicated service to the people of Nelson County these last two years. Throughout her tenure, Candy has proven herself to be a true servant of the community, devoid of any ties to the establishment or “good old boy” networks.

One of the aspects I most admire about Candy is her unwavering commitment to her Christian values. As a fellow Christian, I find her adherence to these principles commendable and reassuring. In a world where integrity and morality are often compromised, Candy’s dedication to upholding Christian values sets her apart as a beacon of light in our community.

In times of uncertainty and turmoil, it is comforting to know that we have leaders like Candy who prioritize the well-being and interests of the people above all else. Her genuine concern for the community and her willingness to serve with humility and compassion are truly admirable traits that deserve recognition.

I am grateful for Candy’s leadership and the positive impact she continues to make in our community. Let us rally behind her and support her efforts as she continues to serve us faithfully.

Join me in voting to re-elect Candy Massaroni on May 21.

Genita Limke

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