
Letter: November election is a chance for U.S. to embrace strong leadership again

To the editor,

I registered as a Republican when I was 18. Although I have numerous family members who are both Democrats and Republicans, I have always felt my personal values align more with the Republican Party. I have friends who are Democrats and Republicans alike, and I have always respected the other side, never critiquing someone for their personal beliefs. Respect is a key word; while we may not agree on every decision, the key is respecting each other.

Over the past 3-1/2 years, I have witnessed my family’s grocery bill go from $200 to over $400. Fuel prices have averaged an additional $100 per month, and my household is now spending over $10,000 more annually just to live compared to 3-1/2 years ago. Families are living paycheck to paycheck, houses are unaffordable to most, rent is at an all-time high, and drugs are flowing across the border at record levels, ending up in Nelson and surrounding counties. Illegal immigrants are overwhelming our cities and are being treated better than our veterans. Enough is enough.

Regardless of which side of the aisle you are on, I think we can all agree that we are not in better shape than we were 3-4 years ago. This next election presents a choice between four more years of the same stagnant issues or putting America first again.

Recent events have dramatically shifted the landscape of American history, from the assassination attempt on President Trump to the withdrawal of President Biden from the presidential race. The stakes are incredibly high. The liberal policies of Washington have failed us and our children. Countries see us as weak, we give billions of dollars to nations that dislike us while people starve on our streets, and China is taking advantage of us at every opportunity.

If we do not change course now, America will shift from a beacon of hope for the world to second place behind China.

We need strong leadership, and we need it now. The last 3-1/2 years have done more damage to this country than the last 20 years combined.

Justin Hall


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