
Council approves lower property tax rate that still generates 4% new revenue

Aaron Boles discusses the tax rate options the city council has at its meeting Tuesday night.

Nelson County Gazette / WBRT Radiio

Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2024 — Meeting in regular session Tuesday night, the Bardstown City Council gave initial approval of a new, lower property tax rate.

The council approved reducing the property tax rate that is currently set at 16.3 cents per $100 value to 16.1 cents per $100 value.

The slight reduction will still create approximately 4 percent in additional tax revenue.

The council opted not to adopt the compensating rate of 15.5 cents per $100 value, a tax rate that would generate approximately the same tax revenue as last year.

Property taxes help fund the city’s General Fund, which includes fire and police protection. The 4 percent additional revenue will help the city cover the cost of pay raises and help cover rising costs due to inflation, Bardstown Mayor Dick Heaton told the council.

The new tax rate will require a second reading and vote, following a public hearing set to precede the Aug. 27, 2024, council meeting.

CITY HIRES BUILDING & ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR. The council approved first reading a new ordinance that creates a new job for the city’s own building and electrical inspector.

Once the ordinance receives final approval at a special noon Thursday meeting, the city will be able to conduct its own inspections independent of the county’s inspection program.

The city has hired Justin Wagner, who is certified for both buildng and electical inspections. Langley told the council he is working to upgrade his certifications so he can include institutional and high hazard inspections.

After the second reading of the ordinance on Thursday, it must then go to the state for its approval.

City Manager Aaron Boles said the city’s inspection ordinance would mirror that of Nelson County government. Boles said once approved by the state, the city can start its own inspection program next month.

In other business, the council:

— approved a change order for the work replacing the sewer pump stations that serve Miller Springs and the business park. According to city engineer Jessica Filiatreau, the $11,594 change is required due to a pipe elevation issue.

— approved sewer service request from Mago Earth to serve a new office building at 601 Parkway Drive.

— approved a bid by Mago Construction of $109 per ton for asphalt delivered, for a total cost of $649,220. Unlike years past, City Engineer Jessica Filiatreau did not provide the council members with a paving list of city streets. Because of budget limitations, Filiatreau explained they were still deciding which streets to leave on the paving list and which to remove due to budget restraints..

— approved the usual closure of part of East Flaget Avenue for the Bardstown Craft Beer Festival on Oct. 19, 2024.


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