Utility customers asked to confirm primary account cell numbers for text alerts
The City of Bardstown is asking residents to call Bardstown City Hall to confirm their primary cell phone number associated with their utility account. The correct phone number will ensure customers receives notices about utility outages, as well as other adviseriers, including boil water advisories, planned maintenance, and garbage pickup delays.

Some customers are not receiving the city’s text message alerts, which is why the city is asking its utility customers to make sure their primary cell phone numbers are correct.
Only one cell number can receive the text notifications for each utility accouont. Once your number is comfirmed, customers can subscribe to alerts by texting the word “Bardstown” to (502) 348-5947.
Customers who do not have the correct phone number on file will not receve the alerts.
Once subscribed, customers may use the same number to report a utility outage. Simply text the word “outage” to (502) 348-5947. Customers may also text the word “status” to get real-time updates on local outages.
The City of Bardstown also may track outages on the city’s web-based real-time outage map at https://electricoutage.cityofbardstown.org.